Destiny Soria

Destiny Soria

Destiny Soria has already lived a full life. This Native American Kickapoo acclaimed actress, director, and dancer has been making waves from Texas to Minnesota and is constantly looking toward her next adventure. Born to Norma L (Sauceda) Soria and Luis L Soria, Destiny lived a fairly normal life in Savannah Georgia. Then at the tender age of 9 years her parents divorced causing some pain for Destiny as she was separated from her father. Her mother would eventually remarry to Wesley V. Nelson when Destiny was 13. Destiny proudly describes herself as an "army brat," have many family members who have served in the military, including both her father and her step-father. In fact being a child of military parents meant Destiny would globe-trot the world, calling Frankfurt, Germany her home for almost half her life. This global experience has given Destiny unique perspectives on her craft that few possess. One of the lessons that her step-father, Wesley taught her was martial arts. At the age of 15 Destiny was already learning how to high kick and bring larger men to the ground. But not all was well with Destiny and her family. Unfortunately like many rebellious teens Destiny was having problems with her mother and with their relationship strained, Destiny decided to do what she has done throughout her life: Find somewhere Better. Around her 16th birthday Destiny moved to San Antonio, Texas to live with her father and brother. Destiny remains close with both her father and brother and they are an integral part of her life. It was during this time that Destiny learned about her Native American roots, specifically the Kickapoo tribes and the ancient Mayans. Suddenly Destiny was filled with a surge of great pride for her Nation and she felt more connected with the Earth, the Spirits and her People. Destiny feels that the Universe brought her these blessings. Although San Antonio will always be "home," for Destiny, she was getting restless for something new. She decided that moving to Red Wing, Minnesota would be her way to escape all the drama she was facing at the time. Her parents battled constantly and Destiny just wanted peace and serenity, exactly what the state of 10000 Lakes could offer her. While living in Minnesota Destiny had to face new problems: her dual diagnosis for Attention Deficit Disorder and Depression. This became especially difficult after Destiny became a victim of a vicious Hate Crime. On August 16, 2008 Destiny was at a local bar when she was brutally attacked and called racial slurs because she proudly embraced her Native American roots. Earlier she had confronted the person online by reporting them on a social media platform. The person who attacked Destiny worked at the bar and found it within her rights to attack her. Destiny to this day still carries emotional scars from that attack and helps others going through the same situation. This horrible incident could have beaten Destiny and ruined her dreams, but she decided to fight, just as her father and step-father had taught her. She pulled through her trauma and today she is stronger for it. From this tragedy Destiny was reborn with a new focus: she had to share her experiences and those of others. From that moment Destiny knew that she had to be an actress. After watching Robert Pattinson on the big screen, Destiny was inspired to do more. In reality Acting saved Destiny. At the age of 24 Destiny was ready to start this new chapter in life and she decided that she was going head first. Acting allowed Destiny to share with others, to speak up, to challenge her shyness and to not allow her trouble speaking from limiting her dreams. As an actress Destiny was able to memorize much more information and her speech gradually got more refined. Her new efforts led her to the acting school, John Robert Powers (JRP) in Bloomington, Minnesota where she received further instructions from the best in the industry. It was these lessons that paved the way for Destiny's success in acting as she honed her expressions, improved her skills and started her ascent as a rising star. Although Destiny considers herself an actress first, another one of her personal loves revolves around dance. Destiny has been dancing her whole life and isn't going to be stopping anytime soon. She has appeared on the Larry's Dance Groove to show off her freestyle dance abilities. Destiny considers her dancing skills an advantage over other actors as she remains in tune with her entire body and use that to direct her body on the big or small screen. Destiny loves to dance freestyle, hip-hop, salsa, the Jarbae Tapatio (Traditional Mexican hat dance) and enjoys mastering the great art of choreography. When she is standing still Destiny also models as she has been showcased in both print-modeling and commercial work. Destiny even graced the cover of Valerie Magazine as their feature artist and she assuredly will be on other covers in the near future. When Destiny is not building her own media empire, she knows why it is important to give back. Not only does she volunteer for many organizations such as Union Station Homeless Services, but Destiny also gives back to fellow artists and models by putting together great reels for them. On her own Destiny taught herself how to shoot and edit video which she now uses to help others who are trying to break in the industry. No matter what the project or what the budget, Destiny ensures that all her customers get quality reels and head-shots that make them stand above their competition. Destiny has done so much but if you ask her she is just getting started.
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