Chuck Lines

Chuck Lines

It was a sparkling August morning in the sleepy town of DuBois, Pennsylvania. The temperature was 72 degrees with a variable 5 mph wind blowing in from the northeast. Enter Chuck Lines, all 8 pounds 9 ounces of him born to entertain. Little Chuck opened his eyes, opened a deck of cards, turned to his exhausted mother and said, "Pick a card, any card!" By 2nd grade, Chuck's entertainment skills were so promising, his frazzled teacher begged him to take over the school play, "Holiday in the Rainforest." The play went off without a hitch, but Chuck shocked his family and the school district when he suffered a Cocoa Puffs-induced breakdown on closing night. Nerves fried from directing an entire play at the tender young age of 8, he briefly withdrew from the world of theater. During his struggle with Cocoa Puffs addiction, Chuck immersed himself in the study of piano and wrote an explosive paper that exposed the elementary school abuses of sugary cereals. To fulfill his SweetTooths Anonymous community service requirement, Chuck joined the DuBois theater group, The Reitz Theatre Players. He soon landed a role in "Working" and became addicted to an even more powerful drug than sugar-acting. Chuck began to work independently writing and performing comedic sketches, magic, and mime at local events. In high school, he played parts in "Anything Goes," and "Beauty and the Beast" (cast as Lumiere for his impeccable French accent and impressive nose). 2005 saw him chosen to attend the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts where he was introduced to commedia dell'arte style mask. Chuck attended Ithaca College where he studied Meisner's acting technique and honed his dialect skills. In 2007 he spent a summer in a children's theater troupe, taught improv classes at Cornell University, and landed a role in an online Sour Patch Kids commercial. In 2008 Chuck was granted a prestigious Dana Internship to develop and teach a ten-week teen theater course at the Paul G. Reitz Theater. That fall, he spent a semester at the Ithaca College London Center where he took a stage combat class and became recognized by The Society of American Fight Directors. In 2009 Chuck attended the National Theater Institute, which gave him the opportunity to study for two weeks at the Saint Petersburg Theater Arts Academy in Russia. At NTI, he focused on Droznin movement technique and armed stage combat, and took classes in directing, playwriting, singing, and commercial acting. During his time at Ithaca College, Chuck landed many roles in student films and was a founding member of the Ithaca College Reduced Shakespeare Company. He graduated with a BA in Drama from Ithaca College in 2009, and set his sights on Hollywood soon after. Upon moving to Los Angeles, Chuck worked in the Contestant Department for Nickelodeon's Brainsurge. With blatant disregard for the downfall of his early directing days, Chuck often used an illicit combination of magic tricks and sugary snacks to energize contestants during show tapings. In his free time, Chuck enjoys scaring off girls during first dates by translating their names into Quenya, an Elvish language from Middle-earth. He loves cooking, anything sonic (screwdrivers, spatulas, hedgehogs) and making out at drive-in movies. Chuck dislikes vegetables, but will make a good show of eating them if anyone is watching. Chuck continues to write and create independently in Los Angeles. He auditions for a wide-range of roles in various projects, offers acting and Droznin movement classes, as well as dialect coaching.
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