
Featuring Suhas Sirsat, Deepak Shirke, and Trupti Khamkar in the lead roles, Pandu is a slice of a life drama series that depicts the lives of the policemen of Mumbai. It showcases the situations which the Mumbai police face every day. Watch Pandu online to enjoy this funny and witty tale about the daily life of the Mumbai Police. The police officers in Mumbai are affectionately known as Pandu. And the show takes through a hilarious journey full of comedy and a touch of drama. What happens in the daily life of an Indian policeman? What kind of problems does he face? How does he face them all? Watch Pandu all episodes only on MX Player to find out.
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Featuring Suhas Sirsat, Deepak Shirke, and Trupti Khamkar in the lead roles, Pandu is a slice of a life drama series that depicts the lives of the policemen of Mumbai. It showcases the situations which the Mumbai police face every day. Watch Pandu online to enjoy this funny and witty tale about the daily life of the Mumbai Police. The police officers in Mumbai are affectionately known as Pandu. And the show takes through a hilarious journey full of comedy and a touch of drama. What happens in the daily life of an Indian policeman? What kind of problems does he face? How does he face them all? Watch Pandu all episodes only on MX Player to find out.

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